Home » Daimler – Müd GmbH

Daimler – Müd GmbH

World premiere (product launch)

Binnenstraat Middenfabriek Pulppersloods
  • Reception
  • Reveal & test drives
  • Lunch
  • Workshops
  • Conclusion of event
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The Mercedes-Benz Future Bus was unveiled to the world at SugarCity on 18 July 2016. Members of the press and invited guests from more than 30 countries attended the presentation of the first ever self-driving city bus, while Daimler also organised a live stream of the event for those who were unable to attend in person.

All the stops were pulled out for the official launch of the Mercedes-Benz Future Bus. Work to construct and dismantle decor for the event alone took 10 days! The production team transformed SugarCity’s Middenfabriek into a futuristic location that perfectly complemented the bus of the future. Spread over two days, the event welcomed approximately 300 guests from all over the world, which meant that accessibility was another major consideration for Daimler. It was naturally also essential that the Mercedes-Benz Future Bus could be driven inside. SugarCity’s spacious venues and large doors made this an easy task, and the factory pillars added additional sparkle to the presentation of the bus.

In addition to the Future Bus, several other models were positioned at the entrance. Following a short introduction, the definitive bus of the future stole the show, accompanied by a thrilling audiovisual production. The curtains were swept back, and the Future Bus was driven onto the stage. The bus was briefly introduced before being driven onto a turntable, so that it could revolve in the Middenfabriek. Guests then had the opportunity to ‘test drive’ the bus and participate in one of a selection of workshops held in the break-out rooms. Check out the below film and images for an impression of the launch in SugarCity.

This world premiere was certainly impressive, as indeed was the striking new Future Bus. Exactly when we will be able to travel carefree in a self-driving city bus is not yet clear, but the introduction of the Future Bus without doubt means that the prospect is a little bit closer to becoming reality.

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