Home » Corona statement  – Update 14/09/2021

Corona statement  – Update 14/09/2021

Update 14/09/2021

On the press conference on 14 September, a number of new relaxations were announced. From 25 September onwards, more will be possible, on presentation of a corona admission certificate.Below are the points that apply to us as an event location, as of 25 September:

• Indoor and outdoor events may only take place on presentation of a corona admission certificate and a valid identity document.

•  For indoor events with fixed seating, there is no maximum number of visitors and no closing time (though catering must close after 00:00).

• For indoor events without a fixed seating: a maximum of 75% of the regular visitor capacity and a compulsory closing time between 00:00 and 06:00.

See also the page ‘Events per 25 September permitted with corona tickets’ of the Dutch government for more information.


Update 25/06/2021

As of 26 June, a lot more will be possible! A distinction is made between events with and without a proof of access:

• With corona test tickets: maintaining a distance of 1.5 metres is no longer necessary at events where a negative test ticket is required. SugarFactory has a test street on the SugarCity site, which can also be used for access tests. Contact us for more information. .

• Without entry tickets: Events without entry tickets can take place if there is fixed seating and a distance of 1.5 m is required.


Update 05/06/2021

As of June 5, 2021, according to the applicable guidelines, 250 guests (seated) are allowed at SugarFactory! This is allowed when a valid corona entrance certificate can be presented and a distance of 1.5 M can be maintained.


Update 22/09/2020

On 18 September 2020, the government announced additional corona measures for a number of regions. For gatherings of more than 50 people, such as congresses and business meetings, there is an obligation to report.

What do the additional measures mean for us?
Events of a business nature with more than 50 people are allowed. These are subject to a reporting requirement. Events of a festive nature such as get-togethers or staff parties with groups larger than 50 people are not permitted.



Update 13/05/2020

SugarFactory follows the new measures of the government to prevent further spreading of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Until September 1st there will be no events at SugarFactory.

The spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus has accelerated. The outbreak of the virus – and the measures taken in various countries – has far-reaching consequences worldwide. This also applies to the Netherlands, where the government has announced new measures to prevent further spread and contamination.

More about the measures taken by the Dutch government

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